How to Get Rid of Eucalyptus Beetles

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Eucalyptus trees are a popular choice in many gardens and landscapes, especially in places like California. Their tall, graceful presence and fragrant leaves make them a favorite. However, eucalyptus trees are not immune to pests. One of the most common pests that can cause significant damage to these trees is the eucalyptus leaf beetle. In this article, we will explore what eucalyptus leaf beetles are, the different types, the harm they can cause, and most importantly, how to get rid of them.

What is a Eucalyptus Leaf Beetle?

c UCR eucalyptus leaf beetles small

Image: UC Riverside Center For Invasive Species Research

A eucalyptus leaf beetle is a small insect that feeds on the leaves of eucalyptus trees. They belong to the family Chrysomelidae, commonly known as leaf beetles. These beetles were originally found in Australia but have since spread to other parts of the world, including California. The most common species are The eucalyptus leaf beetle and the eucalyptus tortoise beetle, both of which have become significant pests in areas where eucalyptus trees are planted.

Eucalyptus leaf beetles are about the size of a large ladybug, and they come in different colors. The adults are usually gray to reddish-brown, while the larvae are greenish-gray. Despite their small size, these beetles can cause a lot of damage to eucalyptus trees.

Different Types of Eucalyptus Beetles

There are two main types of eucalyptus beetles that are commonly found: Chrysophtharta m-fuscum and Trachymela sloanei. Both species were introduced to California from Australia, where they are native.

Eucalyptus Leaf Beetle: Know as Chrysophtharta m-fuscum, it was discovered in California in 2003. The adults are lighter in color, ranging from gray to reddish-brown. The larvae are greenish-gray and often feed during the day.

    Eucalyptus Tortoise Beetles: Known as Trachymela Sloanei, this species was found in California earlier, around 1998. The adults are dark brown with blackish mottling, and the larvae are darker, ranging from green to reddish-brown. Unlike the leaf beetles, tortoise beetle larvae and adults feed primarily at night and hide under loose bark during the day.

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    Image: Traverso Tree Service

      Both types of beetles have similar lifecycles and feeding habits, which makes them equally harmful to eucalyptus trees.

      Are Eucalyptus Beetles Harmful?

      Yes, eucalyptus beetles are harmful, especially in large numbers. While a few beetles may not cause noticeable damage, a large infestation can seriously affect the health of your eucalyptus trees.

      The main way these beetles cause harm is by eating the leaves of the trees. They chew semicircular holes or irregular notches along the edges of the leaves. In severe infestations, they can remove most of the leaf surface, leaving only the midvein. This extensive feeding can lead to defoliation, where the tree loses most or all of its leaves.

      How to Treat Eucalyptus Beetles

      When it comes to treating eucalyptus beetles, it’s important to note that there isn’t a simple DIY solution that can effectively manage a serious infestation. These pests require strong pesticides and proper application techniques, which typically involve specialized equipment like sprayers. Because of the strength and potential risks associated with these chemicals, it’s highly recommended to seek professional help.

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      Professional pest control services have the expertise and tools needed to handle these beetles safely and effectively. They can apply foliar sprays directly to the leaves, which are designed to kill both larvae and adult beetles on contact. Additionally, they may use systemic insecticides that are applied to the soil around the tree’s base. These insecticides are absorbed by the tree and make the leaves toxic to the beetles when they feed, providing long-term protection.

      Attempting to tackle this problem on your own without the proper knowledge and equipment could not only be ineffective but could also cause more harm to your trees or even to yourself. Therefore, it’s best to leave the treatment of eucalyptus leaf beetles to the professionals, ensuring that your trees are properly cared for and protected.

      Contact Admiral Pest Control Serving Southern California

      For those dealing with eucalyptus beetles in Orange and Los Angeles County, it’s crucial to take action before the infestation worsens. Contact Admiral Pest Control for professional treatment. With the necessary expertise, strong pesticides, and specialized equipment, Admiral Pest Control can effectively manage eucalyptus beetle infestations, ensuring the health and longevity of your trees. Don’t wait—reach out to Admiral Pest Control today to protect your eucalyptus trees from these destructive pests.

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