Pests can be more than gross; they can be hazardous to your health and property. Pests like cockroaches are not only common and dangerous; they are incredibly difficult to get rid of. Learning how you can prevent them from moving in and how to address existing roaches will help keep you safe from the worst problems an infestation can bring.

What Are Common Cockroaches?
Cockroaches are beetle-like insects that crawl around on six legs and have hard-shelled bodies. While all cockroaches have wings, only a few varieties are actually able to fly, and most only flutter short distances, preferring to crawl around in the filth. They invade human properties searching for food, moisture, and shelter, though cockroaches can survive on very little and can even eat scraps of paper and waste to sustain themselves. The most common roach in the world is the German cockroach, which can be identified by the two dark, horizontal dash marks found right behind their heads. If you spot these buggers crawling around in your property’s dark corners, it’s important to call professionals right away because cockroaches can be dangerous.
How Dangerous Are Cockroaches?
Cockroaches are the full package in terms of pest problems. Not only do they contaminate food, but they also pose direct risks to your health and property. Here are just some of the problems that accompany a cockroach infestation:
- Disease: Cockroaches are known as some of the worst spreaders of diseases throughout human history. In addition to parasites, they can spread salmonella, E. coli, and cholera.
- Allergies: Cockroaches have slimy, hairy bodies that pick up dust and dander as they forage for food. Their mere presence in a home or business can give sensitive people allergic reactions or asthmatic attacks.
- Odor: An infestation of roaches will result in a foul smell, which only gets worse as they nest and leave discarded eggs all over.
- Stains: Not only do their gross bodies attract germs and dander, but cockroaches can also leave red or brown stains on walls and floors as they drag their nastiness all over.
How To Prevent Cockroach Infestations
Cockroaches aren’t pests you want in your home. Rather, it’s important to keep up on proper inspection and prevention measures around your property. These steps will help you stay protected from possible cockroach infestations:
- Food storage: Cockroaches can easily chew through weak plastic or cardboard, making stored food items vulnerable. Using heavy-duty sealable containers for stored foods will help prevent contamination.
- Trash storage: Cockroaches aren’t as picky about people in terms of what they call food. The waste we put in our trash bins is just as susceptible to foraging cockroaches, so these areas also need to be secure.
- Deep cleaning: Cockroaches don’t need direct food sources to survive. Instead, they can detect crumbs and traces and get at those hard-to-reach areas where messes accumulate. Deep cleaning and addressing these areas will reduce pest invasions.
- Moisture control: Cockroaches tend to prefer moist areas, hence their prevalence in basements and bathrooms. Proper ventilation in these rooms is important.
Pest Problems? Trust Admiral Pest Control
With the damaging and dangerous qualities that cockroaches bring, you don’t want to risk an infestation on your property. Rather than take on all the prevention and control yourself, why not turn to the pros trained to correctly prevent pest populations? At Admiral Pest Control, our staff can provide you with more advice or assistance, and we can get started right away on an inspection. If we find any pests, especially roaches, it’s important to quickly and effectively attack the problem before it can grow out of control. Admiral Pest Control has the solutions that you know will work, and we’ll also follow up later to make sure pest problems haven’t returned.
With that kind of peace of mind, what are you waiting for? Contact Admiral Pest Control today.