How Bed Bugs Get Into Los Angeles Homes

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Eeeewwwww bed bugs are gross! Just the mention of them makes most folks itch all over. And the name… bed bugs! They are in your bed! Most readers will be checking their beds tonight before they crawl in and close their eyes. These disgusting creatures were first reported in Ancient Egypt, yet another plague to be sure. By the 1950s the advent of vacuum cleaners and electric dryers put a huge kibosh on the bed bug population. However, in 1990 a resurgence of their numbers made headlines. A survey of pest control companies nationwide reported that 99% of those that responded, had treated an infestation.

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Do Only Dirty Homes Get Bed Bugs?

The short answer is no. Our grandmothers told us that, “Cleanliness was next to Godliness”, and surely that included bed bugs, right? We wish it was that simple, but, alas it is not. Please do not misunderstand, a clean house is a great start to ridding yourself of these invaders. However, bed bugs are not picky. There are a few pro tips that can aid you if you suspect they have made their way into your home.

  • Vacuum your house regularly to clean up any bed bugs that may have found their way inside.
  • Wash and Dry bed linen on high heat as this will kill any bed bugs.
  • Isolate any textiles from the affected area. 
  • Check the cracks and crevices of your home carefully, including your mattress, box spring, and upholstered furniture if you suspect bed bug activity. 
  • Bed bugs are not attracted to dirt, but they are attracted to people. Since every home has people, every home is a potential target.

Don’t Let Bed Bugs Hitchhike Into Your Los Angeles Home

Bed bugs are the original hitchhikers, mastering the skill of being the stealthiest of stowaways. Preventing the little gypsy from accompanying you on your travels requires vigilance. Whenever you are in public you need to be aware of your surroundings. There are many places that you may encounter a hitchhiker.

  • Movie theaters/auditoriums – The seats at your theater are a perfect place for a Bed bug. He has many chances to nibble on patrons during a performance or catch a ride to a better gig.
  • Your purse – This is a vehicle of choice for the Bed bug. They can get just about anywhere on this makeshift bus.
  • Public transportation – Planes, busses, trains, and automobiles are all places you can come in contact with Bed bugs.
  • Restaurant seats – It’s the absolute last place you want to think about bed bugs. Completely understandable.
  • Hotels, Motels, and Airbnb – The most common culprit in this scenario is a place that has beds.

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it is eye-opening. Note that what all of these places have in common are textiles (drapes, linens, and carpeting) and people. Bed bugs hide out in furniture or fabrics only to latch onto a host at their first opportunity. 

Second-Hand Bed Bugs

Buying used furniture and appliances may lead to unwanted house guests. If the previous owners were host to these pests, then it’s a safe bet that they with be inserting themselves into your life very soon. As a matter of fact, you can count on it. Thoroughly inspect and clean any second-hand item before you bring it into your home. Again, remember that they like textiles, so be extra cautious with upholstered furniture.

Getting Help From The Experts At Admiral Pest Control

Don’t let bed bugs plague your Los Angeles home. Bed bugs are hard to prevent and even harder to get rid of. Even the best pest control companies are challenged by these elusive bugs. There is no DIY solution here. If you suspect a colony, call us immediately. Admiral Pest Control is a family-owned business that has been operating since 1947. Passing down knowledge and tricks of the trade from generation to generation. A bed bug-free night’s sleep is just a phone call away. Reach out to us today. 

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Our services primarily involve the prevention or removal of bugs and rodents. If you are dealing with racoons, stray cats or dogs, or other wild animals, please call your local animal control service or wildlife rescue.