What To Do About All The Spider Webs I Find On My Los Angeles County Property

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Does it seem like every time you turn around, there is a new spider web in a corner of your home? When spiders invade, the webs they weave can be a major nuisance. Fortunately, our Los Angeles County pest control experts are here to help. In this guide, we’ll explore how to identify, prevent, and get rid of spiders, to make your home web-free once again.

Common Types Of Spiders Found In Los Angeles County

The last thing homeowners in Los Angeles County want to encounter in their homes is one of the many types of spiders common to the area. From black widows to orb-weavers, these fearsome creatures ignite a visceral reaction of fear and anxiety for many. Some of the species of spiders common to Los Angeles County include:

  • Black widow: The black widow spider is the deadliest of spiders native to Los Angeles County. They are known for their dangerous venom and the red or orange hourglass marking on its body. Black widows are often found at ground level, in sheds, basements, crawlspaces, or hiding in cracks or crevices.
  • Brown widow: Brown widow spiders are a mottled tan and brown with black markings. Unlike black widow bites, bites from brown widows generally produce only minor symptoms.
  • Orb-weaver spider: These spiders are known for having spotted bellies, sometimes in the shape of a cross, and for the intricate wheel-shaped webs they spin. Webs can often be found near outdoor lighting.
  • Cellar spider: Cellar spiders have small, oval-shaped bodies and long, skinny legs. As the name suggests, this species is often discovered in cellars or basements.

Regardless of the species of spider, it’s never fun to find them or their webs on your property.

What Every Los Angeles County Homeowner Should Know About Spider Webs Found In And Around Their Home

Spiders differ in how and why they spin webs, if they spin webs at all. Black widow spiders spin webs that may look uneven and disorganized; however, they are intricately woven to suit their needs better. Black widows hang upside down, exposing the markings on their bellies as a way to signal danger to their predators. Orb-weavers have some of the most beautiful, symmetrical web designs, the sort of webs you would see in Halloween decorations.
Spiders primarily use their webs to catch prey. However, not all spiders spin webs. Some species, such as wolf spiders, chase down their prey instead.

Where There Are Webs, There Are Spiders

It’s safe to say that if you have noticed a growing amount of spider webs in and around your home, you probably have an increasing amount of spiders lurking around your home as well. Many species of spiders will look to your home as a safe place to live if you let them. Homes are especially enticing to spiders if there are plenty of insects around for them to feed on. 
The good news is that there are ways that you can prevent spiders in your home. Inspect the exterior of your home for cracks and holes where spiders can gain easy access to your home. Seal up any areas of concern with caulking. Eliminate moisture problems around your property and inside your home. If you see an overabundance of webs forming inside your home, use caution removing them yourself. 

Call The Professionals If You Suspect A Spider Infestation

The most effective spider control solutions will be provided by Los Angeles County pest control professionals. Do not hesitate to call our experts at Admiral Pest Control, Inc. for assistance if you suspect a spider infestation. Though most spiders you will encounter will not be dangerous, our well-trained professionals know the difference, and how to best rid your home of these unwanted and potentially harmful pests. Contact us today to schedule your free inspection.

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