
Do Spiders Come Inside in Summer?

Many people notice an increase in spider sightings during the summer months. It might seem like spiders are suddenly everywhere, crawling on walls, hiding in corners, and even making their way into your bed. But why do spiders come inside during summer, and what can you do about it? In this article, we’ll explore why […]

Do Termites Make Noise?

Termites are notorious for the damage they can cause to homes, silently chewing away at the structure. But did you know that termites can also make noise? In this article, we’ll explore the sounds termites make, when and why they make noise, and how you can detect their presence in your home. What Do Termites […]

Will Termites Eat Drywall?

Termites are one of the most destructive pests that can invade your home. They can cause significant damage to wooden structures, but you might be surprised to learn that they can also damage drywall. This article will explain everything you need to know about termites and drywall, including how to detect them, how to get […]

Can Termites Come Back After Treatment?

Termites are sneaky pests that can cause a lot of damage to your home. Even after you get rid of them, you might worry about whether they will come back. The truth is, termites can come back after treatment if you don’t take the right steps to keep them away. Let’s look at how you […]

Will Termites Go Away on Their Own?

Termites are tiny, destructive insects that can cause big problems if they invade your home. Many people wonder, “Will termites go away on their own?” The simple answer is no. Termites are not likely to leave your home on their own once they find a suitable place to live and food to eat. Let’s explore […]

Baby Cockroaches: The Start of an Infestation?

Seeing a cockroach in your home is never a pleasant experience, but what if you see baby cockroaches? Does that mean your home is on the verge of an infestation? In this article, we will explore what it means to see baby cockroaches, how to identify them, and what steps you can take to prevent […]

Help! Roaches Are Taking Over My Orange County Home!

There’s nothing like a cockroach invasion to transform your pristine living conditions into a frightening war zone where these insects seem to be winning in the takeover of your household. Thankfully, Admiral Pest Control delivers the most effective cockroach control in Orange County to maintain the peacefulness and comfort of your living environment. Continue reading to learn […]

What To Do About Rodent Infestations On Your Los Angeles County Property

Dealing with rodent problems on your Los Angeles County property can be a persistent and worrisome challenge. As a homeowner or property manager, the presence of rodents not only poses health concerns but can also lead to extensive damage to your premises. Whether you’re facing issues with rats, mice, or other unwanted critters, finding effective […]

Stop Silverfish In Their Tracks: Top Techniques For Control For Los Angeles County Homes

With their swift, wriggling movements, silverfish are common pests in many households. Particularly in Los Angeles County, homeowners frequently battle these pesky invaders. Despite their seemingly innocent appearance, silverfish can cause considerable damage to belongings. They chew through books, clothing, and even wallpaper. If you’re tired of these unwelcome guests, you’re not alone. This guide […]