Termites Be Gone: Proven Techniques for Successful Termite Control In Los Angeles County

Termites are small insects that appear similar to ants that consume cellulose, a material primarily found in wood. The two most prevalent home-invading termites in this region are drywood and subterranean termites. Although termites pose minimal human health risks, they will cause significant property damage. Are you recognizing signs of possible termite activity? The smartest […]
A Step-By-Step Guide To Termite Control In Los Angeles County

Every homeowner knows what termites are, but nobody wants to get a visit from them. Termites are one of the most destructive pests that a Los Angeles County homeowner may have to deal with. Termites cause billions of dollars of damage per year, and the average termite-related damage repair costs thousands of dollars. Termite infestations […]
Prepping For Termite Season In Orange And Los Angeles Counties

Although there are certain times when termites are more active than others, termites are the kind of pest that poses a problem to homeowners year-round. Termites mainly thrive in warm conditions ranging from 75-95 degrees Fahrenheit. In Orange and Los Angeles counties, especially, which have a Mediterranean climate, the homes are at constant risk of a termite […]